With Hurricane Ian bearing down on the State of Florida and potential impact to our Nature Coast family there is only one thing that we can do. Get up and do it again! 69 degrees low humidity and 100% precipitation in the Gloom. 3 HIM came out for a wet wild and crazy ride in the pre dawn pre storm work out. YHC and Pax waited in their vehicles until a few minutes remaining. 5:30 hit and off we went, disclaimer quoted 5 core principles given
Windmill long count IC 10
Tempo squats 10 IC
Frankenstein 10 IC
Arm circles 10 IC
Mosey to roundabout near Sunlake
Line up on a line
3 burpees per line bear crawl to next line counter clockwise like Ian around roundabout
Mosey to opposite roundabout
3 hand release merkins bear crawl around roundabout modest back to 1st roundabout
Mosey back to 1st roundabout
3 Squats per line lunge walk to next line
Mosey to opposite roundabout
3 LBC per line lunge walk
Mosey back to 1st roundabout
3 Monkey humpers per line bear crawl
Mosey back to roundabout
3 merkins per line bear crawl
Mosey back to 1st roundabout
3 Bobby hurleys per line Lunge walk
Mosey back to roundabout
Carolina dry docks lunge walk
Back to 1st roundabout bear crawl full roundabout
Mosey to court
A few minutes left
Bruce Lee on your own till we hit 6:15
Prayers for all those in the path of Hurricane Ian
Prayers for those PAX not able to come out due to the fact that they may be injured fatigued or too sweet that they might melt in the rain.