When in doubt….Mosey

by | Oct 10, 2022 | Back Blasts

QIC: Crypto, Noodle
PAX POSTED: Polaroid, Anchorman, Rub N' Tug, Wang

QIC: Crypto, Noodle as co-Q

PAX: Polaroid, Anchorman, Rub N’ Tug, Wang


All exercises x20 IC

SSH, Frankenstein, Merkins

Mosey around the field and than to the school for The Thang.

25 gas powers, 25 hello dollies

2 laps around the outer lanes of the parking lot.

25 burpees, 25 v-ups

2 laps around the outer lanes of the parking lot.

25 leg raiser, 25 Bobby Hurley

2 laps around the outer lanes of the parking log.

25 flutter kicks, 25 Bonnie Blair

2 laps around the outer lanes of the parking lot.

Slowzey to the field for water.

Partner up for some Dora

100 merkins

200 squats

300 leg lifts

Circle up. Each PAX selected an exercise for 10 reps.

Blessed to have survived to 8:30.


Prayers for those injured or DR.

Highway clean-up, Seltzer’s birthday, Lunch at Glory Days