Warmup (Side straddle, tappty, tempo squat)
Circle up
Grab a line
Crab walk
4 crab cake hard way
fall in line in the circle
Rotate left and right in the Circle and burpee on the Q
Mosey to end
21-side straddle hop with 5 Burpee penalty if not in cadence (repeat twice)
Howling monkeys 5 per pax
Mosey back to court
Partner up
Partner One: Run around the tennis courts
Partner Two: 200 merkins
100 big boy
200 Crunches
20 burpees Together
400 side straddle hop
300 squats
20 burpees
(Did not get to) 200 Freddy Marc hard
(Did not get to) 100 hand release merkins
1 Min of Burpees
Circle of Trust