It was a glorious morning in the gloom as many wanted to start working on our beach bodies to fit into the man-kinis. I was more than happy to help bring those dreams to fruition. 5:30 with most PAX ready to roll. Quick disclaimer and 5 core principles read and we are off.
Warm up
SSH 15 ic
Abe Vigoda(4 count windmill per leg) 10 ic
Michael Phelps 10 ic
Merkin 10 ic
Frankenstein 10 ic
Hillbillies 10 ic
With a little direction we were off.
The thang
Ring around the District
From start mosey along fence line
5 burpees at gate
1st corner 10 hand release merkins
2nd corner 20 squats
5 burpees at gate
3rd corner 30 lbc
4th corner 40 step ups ew
Rinse repeat as many rounds as possible. As you finished final round prior to time wall sit for 6.
Christmas party upcoming Saturday night. Please RSVP and make sure to pay Cheesehead at the door or when you see him. White elephant gift is per PAX.
Upcoming events include Christmas cards for veterans. Details to follow on slack but you have 2 weeks to get your 2.0’s to create uplifting cards for the veterans home. Have your 2.0 write about what they did or want to do or what ever they feel like to uplift the sprits of those without families this holiday season.