No Silver Alert Needed

by | Dec 18, 2022 | Back Blasts

QIC: Belding
PAX POSTED: Anchorman, Vanellope, Floppy, Hooker, DBA, Chainsaw, Belding

7:30 arrived with all veterans on a brisk, damp morning.


SSH, Frankenstein, baby arm circles, tempo squat, merkin all IC x 10

Short mosey to the pull-up bars for morning call.  5 pull-ups by each PAX while the others did merkins.


The Thang

Another short mosey to the school parking lot.

Partner up for Dora

100 Merkins

200 Squats

300 Leg raises


Quick 10 count and off for a short mosey across the path by the lake to the other side of Ballantrae Blvd.

Stop for a set of Bruce Lee.


Another mosey across the path back towards the school.  Set of Mucho Chesto.


It was at this point the PAX questioned the route and Hooker thought there might be a need to request a silver alert as YHC is in the Respect age bracket.


Mosey to the school entrance off Bexley Blvd for some leg work.  Squats, Reverse Lunges (hard way), calf raises.  All x 25 reps.


Mosey to the soccer field.

10 urkins

15 dips

20 step ups (easy way)

3 Sets.

Short mosey toward the dog park.


5 quick burpees then AYG back to the flag.




3rd F channel for holiday cards for the veterans and adopt a family

General peace and prayers for those in need.



Pinocchio and Couch Potato arrived at 8:30, not thinking there was another beat down, but to drop items for the 3rd F events happening.  Great job and commitment.  Glad to have you as part of the group.

Everyone keep pushing and challenge yourself to be better today than you were the day before.