Tour de Dora

by | Jan 28, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Hitchhiker
PAX POSTED: Grouper, Seltzer, Floppy, Tebow

5 PAX answered the call for a good mosey around the Boneyard on what is hopefully the last cold morning for awhile.


  • 10 in cadence SSH
  • 5 OYO walkout to shoulder taps
  • 10 in cadence squats w/ twists
  • 10 in cadence kickbacks to fire hydrants
  • 10 in cadence boat reaches
  • 10 in cadence low plank with alternating knee taps

The Thang:

Until the last few minutes, everything was done Dora style.

Station 1, the flag.

A: Mosey across fields

B: 50 Burpees

Mosey to next station

Station 2, Brokeback Mountain.

A: Mosey up hill, 1 burpee

B: 100 BBS

Mosey to next station

Station 3, the rocks.

A: Mosey to light pole, 1 burpee

B: 150 iron cross

Mosey to next station

Station 4, in transit.

A: 5 Burpees

B: 200 merkins

Mosey to next light pole, once 200 hit, mosey to next station.

Station 5, roundabout.

A: Mosey around the roundabout

B: 250 LBC

Mosey to next station

Station 6, clubhouse

A: Mosey across parking lot

B: 300 calf raises

Mosey through the dark forest, around the alligator lake, and back to the flag.

Station 7, the return of the flag.

10 in cadence windshield wipers

5 OYO walk out to shoulder taps

Burpees until Floppy’s watch said it was 7:00 AM.


Look for an exciting announcement from the SLT coming soon.


Tebow gave us a great reminder about how blessed we are to have this group, to hold each other accountable, and to have someone to lean on and push each other . AYE to that.

YHC will be DR for the next few days, everyone have a great week. And finally, in a game where the score makes it look closer than it actually was, Chiefs 34, Bengals 21. Go Chiefs!