Just the two of us

by | Feb 7, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Hooker

Checking the weather a cool 55 degrees the gloom was especially inviting this morning. Pull up at 5:25 and Seltzer was waiting patiently trying to stay warm. 5:30 hit and it was just the two of us for a rep filled Clydesdale type workout in the Gloom! Quick disclosure and core principle murmur we were off to stay warm.

Warm up

SSH 15 ic

Abe Vigoda 10 ic

Michael Phelps 10 ic

Frankenstein 10 ic

Hillbillies 10 ic

Mosey to right to Ballantrae Blvd by playground 

25 rowers


25 squats 

Mosey to Brighton lake 

25 rowers


25 squats 

25 monkey humpers

Mosey to Ballantrae by the preschool

25 rowers


25 squats 

25 monkey humpers

25 ssh

Mosey to Terrazzo way

25 rowers


25 squats 

25 monkey humpers

25 ssh

25 LBC

Mosey to soccer field

Medicine ball lunge walk burpee

Each pax throws ball as far as possible 

Lunge walk to ball subtract steps from 10 for burpee count

Throw to fence turn and throw back. 

25 step ups HC

Medicine ball lunge walk switch burpees for squats and back. 

25 irkens 

25 dips

Mosey to Terrazzo

Start at light 25 squats with ball mosey to next light switch ball 25 squats 

4 lights total. 

Drop off ball and run sprints for 4 light post till time 


Continued prayers and healing vibes to Seltzer’s father coming off surgery

Continued prayers to PAX that are sick or scared, come back out men we need you as much as you need this!