by | Feb 21, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Dillio
PAX POSTED: Waterboy, Hard Hat, Hitchhicker, Belding, DBA, Vanalopee, Grouper, RubnTug, Passion Fruit, Petey



Side straddle hop

Tap, tap a roo


Get a drink

Mosey to roundabout

20 Merkins

20 big boy

Plank on 6

Grab a line

Walking lunge around

2 burpees per line

Mosey to another round about. Complete the same set 4 times

Get the 6 when done.

Mosey to end of a dead end

11’s with broad jump scurry back and LBC’s

Plank on 6

Circle up.

Round of 21 side straddle hop

Mosey back to court. Water

10 Howling Monkeys

