Becoming the G.O.A.T.

by | Feb 23, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Hitchhiker
PAX POSTED: Hose (FNG), Cricket, Flat Tire, Endo, Cheesehead, Grouper, DBA, Dillio, Haka, Belding, Petey, Seltzer, CZ, Apnea, Passion Fruit, Goose

17 PAX out to celebrate America’s favorite team winning another championship and to appreciate the GOAT (through their first 5 years as a starter), Patrick Lavon Mahomes II second MVP and Super Bowl MVP.


5 OYO – Walk out to shoulder taps

57 reps in cadence:

  • 10 Squat w/ twist
  • 10 Single leg butt lift/crunch
  • 10 Boat reach outsĀ 
  • 10 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Plank w/ step outs
  • 7 Pulsing jump squats

The Thang:


3 rounds:

38 block jumps

35 squats with twist


3 rounds:

38 block jumps with lunge

35 squats with twist to curl


3 rounds:

38 block jumps to Blonnie Blair

35 squats with twist to curl to overhead press

Unfortunately, this looked better on paper was done till time leaving no time for Snowglobe right and corndog left. Good thing there is all offseason to celebrate!

As promised, a good time for all!


End of March: 4x4x48 lead by Ikea, check slack for details.

Coming in April: 26.3 ruck, details from Seltzer soon!

Welcome FNG Hose!


Prayers for all PAX for the continued ability to keep improving their fitness and growing as leaders, fathers and men.