7 Mosey-lovin PAX rolled themselves out of bed when they heard the news that Tebow was Q’ing for the first time in forever.
Right at 7:30 Q led a warmup lap around the Boneyard, followed by some stretching and a dynamic warmup (Scoops, Dyno-walks, Walking Frankensteins, etc).
Next, Q explained what a Burp-Straddle-Squat was. It is a Burpee, followed by a SSH, and then a squat. After that, Q led a ‘burpee catch me if you can’ around the field but the burpee was replaced with a Burp-Straddle-Squat.
Sharks and Minnows: The field was set up with five cones; one in the middle and two at each end zone about 100 yards apart. At the start of each game, one shark started at the cone in the middle and tried to catch the minnows as they sprinted across the field to the end zone. If a minnow was caught, they became a shark. At the start of each round, each shark had to do five Burp-Straddle-Squats while the minnows did SSH.
Tebow started as the first shark and made it a point to hunt down Anchorman. It was a valiant effort on Anchorman’s part. Slowly the all the minnows were caught but somehow RubNTug snuck through and was the winner of the first game. He then became the first shark for the next game.
PAX got in a total of about 6 games. One of the games had Cheesehead as the last minnow, so the sharks made it a point to not catch him so he just had to keep sprinting back and forth. I’m sure he loved that.
In total, PAX got about 3 miles of running in and about 60ish Burp-Straddle-Squats for anyone doing the Burpee challenge.