Monday Madness

by | Apr 10, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Grouper
PAX POSTED: Belding, Apnea, DBA, Lunch Break, Waterboy, Hooker, Grouper

Mosey to traffic circle

SSH IC x 15
Windmill IC x 10
Hillbilly IC x 15
Squat IC x 15
Merkin IC x 10
Shoulder Taps IC x 15

Mosey back toward soccer fields

Exercises at each light post, alternating the following:

10 merkins
20 squats
30 flutter kicks (hard way)

Rinse and repeat to end – 5+ rounds

Coming back, complete the following

10 Carolina dry docks
20 monkey humpers
30 Freddie Mercurys

Mosey back to start with some sprints mixed in

At start point picnic tables:

20 Irkins
20 dips
20 step ups
(2 sets)

Wall sits