Rise and grind. It’s Hump Day!
That was our special guest’s words of wisdom this morning. Thank you gator Dan for sharing!
Warm up:
15 x Tempo Squats, 15x Mountain Climbers, 15 x Imperial Walkers, Plank circuit, DBA Thrusters, 15 x Flutter Kicks and 10 Burpees OYO.
The Thang:
Indian Run to the playground equipment to check in on our special guest.
25 x Reverse burpees, 25 x Carolina Dry Docks, 25 x HW Step-ups, 25 x Derkins, Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, LBC’s, More Crab Walk, LBC’s Crab Walk finish.
Half Mosey / Half sprint on the field – 1 burpee after each run on each side. Rinse and Repeat 6 times.
25 X BBS 10 x Reverse burpees, 10 x Carolina Dry Docks, 10 x HW Step-ups, 10 x Derkins.
Bear Crawl, 1/2 then Crab Walk 1/2 with one set of LBC’s. and then finished with 5 burpees OYO
Mosey back to the start for wall sit and balls to the wall! 6:15
COT: prayers for Hooker on his upcoming travel for his mission trip and boy scouts hike.