Farming for 1,000 Reps

by | Jun 1, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Seltzer
PAX POSTED: Tebow, Hitchhiker, Chowdah, Grouper, DBA, DILLIO, Apnea, Slippy

Great weather to start off the month of June. Nine PAX arrived ready to work.

Promptly at 5:30 a.m. group lap around the dog park, return to circle for the following:
SSH x 10 IC
Frankenstein x 10 IC
Tappity Taps x 10 IC
PLANK (continuous HOLD between exercises)…10 merkins OYO, 10 Peter Parkers OYO, 10 S-Taps OYO, PLANK…10 merkins IC, 10 Parker Peters IC, 10 Groiners RECOVER

-PAX led to the Field of Pain where lit cones were placed, along with a ring with 2 x 26lb sand kettle bags.
-YHC assigned pairs of PAX and had them spread along the cone line.
-Each Team of 2 would alternate taking the sand bags via Farmer Carry to the end of the field to the blinking light cone to perform Burpees x 10, then the other PAX would FC back to the ring and return the bags. While this team was performing this all other teams would do continuous reps as shown on the white board (below). Once a team returned and drops the bags they would yell “Switch”, this meant the next team in line jumped up to do the FCs and Burpees while all other teams did the next exercise on the board, continuously.
-GOAL, a team to complete 1,000 reps total
1) Merkins (Hand Release) or as some PAX prefer Hand Release Merkins
2) BBS
3) Sumo Squat
4) Hip Taps (hard)
5) Flutter Kicks (hard)
6) Squat Jumps

Once a team got to 1k reps, mosey a full lap around the dog park and tennis courts, return to the Field to SSH or plank for the six team.

Once all teams were finished, all pax lined up at one cone for 1 minute reps as follows:
-Plank for 1 min, bear crawl to next cone…
-MCs for 1 min, bear crawl to next cone…
-On your 6 for Freddie Mercuries, crab walk to next cone…recover.

-All pax line up for an AYG sprint to the other end of the field for Burpees x 10, sprint back.
-Cariaoca all the way down for Burpees x 5, carioca back.

Mosey back to flag.

COT: Prayers of gratitude for continued health, continue to look over all PAX and their families as they travel this summer.