Oh Crap Fitness Casino

by | Jul 5, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Seltzer
PAX POSTED: Waterboy, Lunch Break, Hitchhiker, Goose, Apnea

YHC just got back from little vacation in Biloxi and still had the itch to roll some dice, this time with fellow PAX in the gloom. Five (5) total PAX were all-in for fitness gambling and ready to roll this morning.

SSH x 10 IC
Frankenstein x 10 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Tappity Taps x 10 IC
Mosey over to the benches near the tree circle, dropped waters off, continued mosey around the baseball field with a pit stop by the bleachers for Seal Claps x 10 IC, Overhead Seal Claps x 10 IC, Temp Squats x 10 IC…continue mosey back to the benches at circle.

YHC found a cool simple app for the iPAD that allows you to add various types of dice and randomly roll on the screen. The circle of trees included a total of 12 trees, similar to a Roulette table. For this routine, there was a D12 die in the upper left corner which directs how many trees PAX will travel performing the exercise. The upper right hand corner had a D4 die to designate which mode of travel is to be performed for the number of trees (The Movements are shown below, 1-4). The bottom pair of dice decided which exercise to perform at the number of trees. For example, if the #10 comes up, with a #2 movement and a #5 exercise; PAX start at the line then move with Bear Crawl around the circle until we hit the 10th tree, along the way perform LBCs at each tree.  After the designated tree is hit and exercises complete, mosey back to start – pick up 6 with a mosey back and forth.  Once all PAX returned, next PAX rolls the dice, rinse and repeat.

The number of reps for the exercises goes up by 1 until a 7 is rolled for the exercise. The #7 craps out the group and we are penalized with 1 Burpees at each tree + full lap around circle + 7 Burpess OYO back at the start.

Movement – D4 Dice
1 – Mosey
2 – Bear Crawl
3 – Lunge Walke
4 – Carioca (alternate at each tree)

Exercise – Pair of Dice
2 – Smurf Jacks
3 – Peter Parkers
4 – Jungle Boi
5 – LBCs
6 – Merkins
7 *BURPEES* Burpee x 1 @ each tree + Lap around circle + Burpees x 7 at start
8 – WWI Situps
9 – Shoulder Taps (hard)
10 – X Factors (hard)
11 – Mountain Climbers (hard)
12 – Superman

There were 6 total PAX and each one was able to roll the dice plus extras at the end, lost track of total number of rounds.  Our highest rep count before hitting 7 was 5. In the middle we had back-to-back 7s rolled – Oh Crap!

Quick mosey back to the Flag right at 6:15 with no time to spare.

CoT – Prayers for continued health and to look over those traveling. Sasquatch, July 29th.