Jumping into Wednesday

by | Jul 12, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Goose
PAX POSTED: Hitchhiker, Splinter, Hooker, Tebow, Apnea, Petey, Golden Shower (Lexington)

8 PAX out on a humid morning at the the District. 5 Core principles and a quick disclaimer.

Warm Up:


Baby arm circles x 10 IC (each direction)

Michael Phelps x 10 IC

Mosey of the workout path

The Thang:

Do as many rounds as possible until time is up:

20 Sit-Ups

20 Merkins

20 Freddie Mercuries (HW)

20 Burpees

20 Air Squats

50 Jump Rope

Run w/ a 20 lb, 30 lb or 40 lb coupon for .15 miles. Do 20 step-ups (HW) or 20 box jumps on the partial wall near restrooms.

Run back to start.  Repeat.

Hitchhiker lead the way with nearly 5 complete rounds. Great job by all PAX.


Sasquatch at the end of the month

Help Anchorman move after Saturday beatdown

Lunch July 21st pole in slack

Prayers to PAX DR