9 PAX arrived to The Ranch on this morning. Upon their arrival and to their delight six (6) well lit cones could be seen in the Field of Pain. YHC, knowing that Sasquatch was only a couple days away, had a focus to hit all body parts to get us ready for the upcoming challenge.
SSH x 20 IC
Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC
Tappity Taps x 10 IC
Mosey the long way over to the FoP (up to Pavillion and back to Clubhouse)…
…There are 6 cones in a straight line that cover almost the entire length of the field (roughly 15 yards apart).
WARM-UP Continues with a 20% escalation of Sprint across the entire field (20% to 1st cone, 40% to 2nd cone, increase continues by 20% each cone). Then, AYG 100% all the way back to the start.
All PAX circle up at the first cone, with QIC in the middle. There are 5 minute non-stop continuous exercise routines to be completed at each cone with suicides in between. Cones 1 and 4 focus on upper body/arms; Cones 2 and 5 focus on core/abs; Cones 3 and 6 focus on lower body/legs. The light from the cones represents the burn we will achieve during the 5 minute sessions.
MERKINS – 00:30 seconds
PLANK – 00:30 seconds
Shoulder Taps/MCs x 10 each, alternating – 1:00 minute
Seal Claps IC – 00:30 seconds
Hand Release Merkins – 00:30 seconds
Baby Arm Circles (forward) – 00:30 seconds
Baby Arm Circles (reverse) – 00:30 seconds
PLANK – 1:00 minute
*Once complete – Suicides to each cone across the field (5 total), return back to Cone #1 then mosey to Cone #2.
LBCS – 00:30 seconds
V UP HOLD – 00:30 seconds
Freddie Mercury/Flutter Kicks (easy) x 10 each, alternating – 1:00 minutes
Heel Touches – 00:30 seconds
WWI Sit-Ups – 00:30 seconds
X-Factors – 00:30 seconds
Rowers – 00:30 seconds
V UP HOLD – 1:00 minute
*Suicides to each cone the remainder of the field (4 total, 1 less than prior round as we move down the field), return back to Cone #2 then mosey to Cone #3.
Squats – 00:30 seconds
Lunges – 00:30 seconds
Bonnie Blair/Smurf Jax (easy) x 10 each, alternating – 1:00 minutes
Frankensteins – 00:30 seconds
Groiners – 00:30 seconds
Sumo Squat – 00:30 seconds
Squat Jumps – 00:30 seconds
Lunges – 1:00 minute
*Suicides to each remaining cone on the field (3 total)..same as above
*Suicides to each remaining cone on the field (2 total)…same as above
Due to time constraints, YHC modified for all PAX to complete a full Bruce Lee routine but with 30 reps each (hard) instead of 20.
*Suicides to each remaining cone on the field (1 total)…same as above
CONE 6: Lower Body
Again, due to time constraints, PAX directed to the nearby Pavilion to start Wall Sits. After 30 seconds, complete Squats x 5, Squat Jumps x5, immediately return to Wall Sit, Rinse and Repeat. This lasted for about 3 minutes.
MOSEY BACK TO FLAG, right on time.
CoT: Huge congratulations to Passion Fruit and his growing family as they are expecting twins! Prayers of gratitude for our continued health and for health for those PAX currently injured or struggling with things unknown.