Bruce Lee Suicides

by | Aug 14, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Belding
PAX POSTED: Lunch Break, Apnea, Belding

YHC decided to pick up the Q the night below and showed up ready to lead. At 525 YHC was the only one there…527 still no one….529 still no one…530 who should appear but Lunch Break. 

Quick warm up x10 IC



Baby arm circles

Tempo squat

Short run to the corner for the thing, but we couldn’t leave Apnea behind so back to the flag to fetch him and to the corner again. 


The Thang

Suicide style. Mosey to pole 1 for the exercises. Back to 0. Pole 2 for exercise and back. And so on…

Pole 0–10 squats

Pole 1–20 reps of 1 of the Bruce Lee exercises. 

Pole 2–20 reps of 2 of the Bruce Lee exercises.

Pole 3–20 reps of 3 of the Bruce Lee exercises.

Pole 4–20 reps of 4 of the Bruce Lee exercises.

Pole 5–20 reps of 5 of the Bruce Lee exercises.

Pole 6–20 reps of 6 of the Bruce Lee exercises.

Once the 6 was in quick 10 count and a set of Mucho Chesto. 

Short mosey back to the flag. 3 minutes left. 10 derricks hard way oyo. 10 Carolina dry dock IC.