Mondays around the Rosie

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Hooker
PAX POSTED: Lunch Break, Apnea, Waterboy

With the weather starting to break these cooler mornings have been nothing short of awesome. The gloom has never been more inviting. Got to the District with plenty of time to re asses my workout but through it up in the air and ideas just came.
5:30 hit and with Waterboy, Lunch Break and I in we were off.

Disclaimer murmured and 5 core principles announced it was time to warm up.


Warm up

ssh 10 ic

Abe Vigoda10 ic

Tempo merkins 10 ic

Tempo squats 10 ic

Frankenstein 10 ic

Hillbillies 10ic

The Thang

4 corners

15 merkins each corner

Stop 1/2 way on long part 50 squats

Plank for 6

2nd time around change to 15 bbs corner

Stop 1/2 way on long runs 50 squats

Plank for 6

3rd time around change to 15 monkey humpers

Stop 1/2 way on long runs 50 squats

Plank for 6

4th time around 15 American hammers hc

Wall sit last 2 minutes

Switch to balls to wall due to the sand that kept us moving, for final minute.

Apnea did make an appearance somewhere between round 2 or 3. 


prayers for the innocent lives ruined in the Middle East and around the globe.