YHC read the weekly Sunday PSA from our 1st F SLT leader, Seltzer, and thought “I need to get my ass on that Q sheet”. Seeing the all the opportunities to get into the gloom and lead, I did the deed for this and future dates. (Get your name on that Q sheet HIM!!!) The gloom was a mild chill, Seltzer and I pulled up to the boneyard and while Hooker and Haka walked up, Seltzer planned the shovel flag. We mumble chattered until time brought us into the arena.
Warm up
Neck rolls and shoulder rolls- 5 Clockwise/counter clockwise & forward/backwards
Inch worms- 10
Windmills- 10
Baby arm circles – 13
Back work
The thang
10 reps of each exercise, 3 sets. In between each set block carry from stop sign to first light post. IF all sets complete start from top but complete all exercises in order before carrying block
Chest and Tris
– skull crushes
– merkins
– dips
– irkins
Back and bis
– curls
– bent over rows
– curls
– laying down, overhead pulls
Legs and abs
– squat
– lbc
– thruster
– superman
Neck rolls and shoulder rolls- 5 Clockwise/counter clockwise & forward/backwards
Inch worms- 10
Windmills- 10
Baby arm circles – 13
Sometime we can be our own worse enemy, when we really need to be a friend to ourselves and give ourselves some grace. We can catch ourselves after a mistake or when don’t meet our own standards beating ourselves up. Sometimes being a tyrant to ourselves or calling ourselves names “I’m such an idiot” or “I’m such a fucking asshole”, but if your friend(s) or loved one(s) were to be the person who made the mistake would you have said the same thing to them? Mostly likely…No, you would have found a way to stand them up and brush them off. Given them reassurance that shit happens and to get back on the horse. TLDR; give yourself some grace, but strict but give yourself a reasons to like who you are. That starts with you and how you talk to yourself.
Prayers for all those downrange, recovering, fartsacking. Prayers for all the craziness in the world to subside when/where possible.