12/27/23 District
12/18/23 district Beatdown
Feeling pumped to get out and Q today the morning nerves got to me and had to finish letting the kids out at the pool. 5:15 and out the door I knew I’d be cutting it close.
Come screaming in at 5:30 flag posted and called the beatdown ready a just got out of his truck Belding was waiting with bated breath.
“The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”
“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.”
SSH 15 ic
Frankenstein 15 ic
Imperial walker 15 ic
Windmill 15 ic
SSH 15 ic
The Thang
Parking lot spit roast
Each island in right stop and exercises
Start with 1 from Bruce Lee
MOT side duck walk, reverse duck walk and front duck walk alternate after each island
Next island a mucho chesto exercise.
11 islands total. End after stop sign in parking lot. Short mosey around parking lot to last island and repeat on the way back.
Right on que apnea appears with just a bit over 15 minutes remaining. Finish spitroast at flag.
Back to start TBombs 12 reps 3 sets leading us to 30 second wall sit and time
Prayers to all PAX DR, dealing with injury or ones that can’t get wet.