
by | Jan 16, 2024 | Back Blasts

QIC: Cricket
PAX POSTED: Apnea , WaterBoy , Hitchhiker , DBA
Great Tuesday Morning weather to kick start BD .
In cadence:
SSH – 15 X ,
Frankenstein – 12 X
WindMill        – 12 X
Baby Arm Circle – 12 X
Baby Arm Circle backwards – 12 X
Tapity Tap Taps  – 12 X
Mosey to the roundabout towards Sun Lake.

Grab a line, 2 burpees in each line, walking lunges to the next line

Mosey to the Sun Lake

Mosey to next 5 Light poles doing below exercises in each pole:
5 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins at first pole and increase Burpees by 1 at each pole.

Wait for the sixes doing Monkey Humpers .

Mosey back to the first pole and A set of Bruce Lee .

Mosey back to the court , 10 BBS , 10 Merkins and 10 Squats and run to light pole and back and repeat until 6:15 AM .

COT: Prayers for all those pax going through Business relation issues, family issues and strength to over come .