Light pole dance

by | Jan 29, 2024 | Back Blasts

QIC: Hooker
PAX POSTED: Madoff, Waterboy, Apnea

Warmer than expected but a brisk 53°morning in the gloom. With plenty of time to reflect on the beatdown YHC rolled up with 15 minutes until the start and ready to get the mumble chatter started. 5:30 and we are off

“The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”

“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.

5 core principles and a disclaimer 

Warm up

SSH ic 15

Windmill 15 ic

Seal clap 10ic

Moroccan nights 10 ic

Hillbilly 15 ic

The Thang

3, 6, 9 pole dance the District




all the way down and rotate between mosey, side shuffle left, right and backpedal between the poles.

repeat on the way back but switch to mosey only.

back to start we have time for a Mucho chesto and 2 minute wall sit. Time called



Pryers for Apneas brother in law  and father

Prayers to a senior in my youth group Anthony with a collapsed lung  

Splinter travels to Kilimanjaro 

wonderful way to start the week!