by | Jan 31, 2024 | Back Blasts


With another brisk morning calling I noticed the Q sheet lacking so what better way to get myself out of bed then to sign up for another.
with temperatures getting in the 40’s this has been a great week to keep on moving.
5:30 comes and all present to off we go.

“The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”

“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.

5 core principles

Warm up

SSH ic 15

 Windmill 15 ic

abe Vigoda10 ic (due to the noises coming out of our marathon runners)

michael Phelps 15ic

Hillbilly 15 ic

The Thang

mosey to Bud Bexley

3, 6, 9, 12 each light pole on Bud Bexley blvd till Bexley elementary. MOT rotate between mosey, side shuffle left, side shuffle right, backpedal.





Mosey to school parking lot, Partner up


100 merkins

200 Carolina dry docks

300 squats

Audible after 200 squats and mosey to start

Abe vigoda 

Quad stretch

Shoulder stretch and time


prayers for Apnea brother in law getting tested for lumps and his Father for an ER scare

prayers to Anthony from youth group with a punctured lung and his recovery