Burp-Shank Redemption: The sequel

by | Mar 9, 2024 | Back Blasts

QIC: Tebow
PAX POSTED: Hitchhiker, Grouper, Airstream, Haka, DBA, Chowdah, Cricket, Woody, Endo

(In Morgan Freeman’s voice) “10 PAX bear crawled to freedom through five-hundred and fifty yards of burpee filled foulness I can’t even imagine, or maybe I just don’t want too. Five-Hundred and fifty yards… that’s the length of five football fields, just shy of half a mile.”

In honor of burpee month, QIC Tebow felt it was appropriate to bring out of retirement, the Burp-Shank Redemption.

The boneyard was set up like a football field with cones placed every 10 yards. Starting at the goal line, PAX did 2 burpees, bear crawled 100 yards and then did 20 big boy sit-ups. PAX then duck walked back to the 10 yard line and did 4 burpees. Then PAX bear crawled 90 yards, did 18 big boy sit-ups and duck walked back to the 20 yard line. Then 6 Burpees, bear crawl 80 yard, 16 big boy sit-ups, duck walk to 30 yard line and so on at every 10 yards until PAX worked the whole length of the football field.