by | Jul 22, 2021 | Back Blasts, General

QIC: Waterboy 
PAX POSTED: Haka, Smoggy, Hooker, Apnea, Smokey, Petey, Miley, Big Papi, Tebow, Belding, Baywatch, Hitchhiker and Waterboy.

It was a fabulous morning at LL Ranch! 13 Men joined the beat down to enjoy each other’s presence, burn off some mental stress and build our bodies to be like Haka’s.

The Warmup


Hip Rotations

Squat with Arm Lift

Arm Circles

Tappy Tap Tap


The Beat Down

Mosey – LL Ranch Blvd to the intersection of Paspalum St.

1st Stop – 25 Big Boy Sit-ups, 25 Freddy Mercury’s, 25 LBC’s

Mosey – LL Ranch Blvd to the intersection of Zamia Loop

2nd Stop – 25 Merkins, 15 Jump Squats and 50 Butt Kicks

Mosey – LL Ranch to Haka which way do I go to work our way back?

3rd Stop – 15 Lunges, 25 Mountain Climbers, 25 Flutter Kicks

Mosey –  LL Ranch Blvd and Nature Valley Dr.

4th Stop – Rinse and Repeat Stop 1 25- Big Boy Sit-ups, 25 Freddy Mercury’s 25 LBC’s

Mosey – Nature Valley Dr

5th Stop – 25 Shoulder Taps, 10 Burpees and 25 Box Cutters

Mosey – Nature Valley Dr

6th Stop – Rinse and repeat stop 1 10- Big Boy Sit-ups, 10 Freddy Mercury’s 10 LBC’s

Indian Run Back to the courts

We had some time left when we arrived. Circled up, everyone started SSH, while each PAX did 3 burpees. Next we did 25 Merkins, I believe some more abs exercises and ended with a circle burp. 6:15!


Saturday 7/24: Beatdown moved to The District (Starkey). Normal start time. EH event afterwards!

Saturday 7/31: Beatdown at The Boneyard (Bexley). 6:00 AM start time. Sasquatch.

COT: Prayers for Endo, Urkel, Big Papi and his crew with upcoming travels and anyone carrying any burdens in silence.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.