As always I like to give a preview to let you know what you are in store for. Be a few minutes early to warm up on your own. Its a 45 minute workout and you will not be shortchanged lol.
Run from BB courts to Sunlake and back to first traffic circle.
At the circle
Plank Jacks
Run to dead end and to traffic circle
Monkey Humpers
Bobby Hurleys
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Flutter kicks
Run back to BB courts
I will have 8 stations on each court for a total of 16 stations with various exercises.
35 seconds on and 15 seconds off.
Complete both stations and then a run around park back to BB courts
Turn cards over and do other exercises on both courts.
It will be hard work but it will be fun. Jump rope, slam ball, battle ropes,push up handles and weights all done under candle light! See you there!!!