A Bear Crawl Variety & a Kick Ass Circuit!

A Bear Crawl Variety & a Kick Ass Circuit!

Conditions: 78 degrees and quite balmy feeling! 45 minutes of pure bliss about to begin… Let’s get right to the Thang. Warm Up; Mosey for a bit then…. SSH x15 Hillbillies x15 Cotton pickers x15 Merkins x15 Pop Jacks x15 Mosey to the roundabout…… Bear...
Tres Amigos in the Ring of Fire

Tres Amigos in the Ring of Fire

3 PAX posted this AM. Humid and a little bit wet, but that didn’t stop us from doing the thang. [justified_image_grid preset=4 row_height=900 lightbox=links-off disable_cropping=yes ng_pics=84] Disclaimer was given and the men went to work. Mosey; All IC (12)...
Tres Amigos in the Ring of Fire

A Hip Slapper of a Good Workout at #TheRanch

@bartman on Q today.   Temperature was about 80 degrees this AM here in the gloom at #TheRanch. You could feel the humidity in the air! YHC brought some torture device called: Pushup Wheel. It was used very nicely during the beatdown. 5 PAX showed up on time....