25 Days of Christmas Beatdown

25 Days of Christmas Beatdown

Ten PAX posted for a Christmas inspired beatdown on a sunny cool morning. Quick disclaimer was given and we were off. Mosey around the dog park and tennis court and back to the court for a quick warmup. All exercises were done IC: Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 Baby...
12 Exercises of a No-See-Um Beatdown

12 Exercises of a No-See-Um Beatdown

Can you say F3 Lutz gettin’ a smoke fest started with temps in the 30’s!!!??  Yes sir, it was a chilly 39 degrees when the men of Lutz dawned the BB courts for a very festive and fast moving beatdown brought to you by YHC.   Everyone loves holiday songs and one...


Slightly damp morning in the gloom but that didn’t stop these 9 HIM this morning. Some mumble chatter beforehand that @flattire has been MIA…30 seconds later he emerged! Great to see that fartsacker. Where are the rest? Men were geared up and ready to go!...
25 Days of Christmas Beatdown

Hey F45 Men, Our Workouts are FREE!

6 PAX posted for a weekend edition beatdown in not so sunny Lutz, Florida. The temperature was just right though. Good mumble chatter as usual before the beatdown started. Apparently, there was some kind of “FUN RUN” at The Ranch sponsored by F45 fitness....