Just Breathe

Just Breathe

QIC: Apnea PAX: Belding, Big Papi, Cheesehead, Dillio, Grouper, Haka, Passion Fruit, Petey, Seltzer, Urkel 11 PAX out on a cool morning at the Ranch. Quick disclaimer and then right to the warmup. SSH X 10 IC Frankensteins X 10 IC Imperial Walkers Mosey to main...
Burpee Withdrawal

Burpee Withdrawal

QIC: Apnea PAX: Belding, Dillio, Grouper, Hitchhiker, Passion Fruit, Petey, Waterboy 8 PAX out on another humid day at the Ranch. Quick disclaimer, 5 core principles and then right to the warmup. SSH X 10 IC Mosey to main roundabout for Frankensteins x 10 IC Tappity...
Sleeping In The Parking Lot

Sleeping In The Parking Lot

QIC: Apnea PAX: DBA, Dillio, Hitchhiker, Passion Fruit, Petey, Waterboy In order to avoid a repeat from last week where I overslept and missed the Q I signed up for, YHC slept in his car in the parking lot last night (just kidding). YHC made a slight adjustment to...
Promise Made Promise Kept

Promise Made Promise Kept

QIC: Apnea PAX: Belding, Big Papi, Chowdah, Dillio, Grouper, Haka, Hitchhiker, Petey, Seltzer, Smoggy, Vanellope YHC commented that today’s beatdown was based on a Promise Made, Promise Kept. All PAX tried to figure out the promise. One clever guess was that I would...
Just Breathe

To Hell and Back

QIC: Apnea PAX: Hitchhiker, Lohan, Petey, Waterboy Five PAX made it out on a cold Tuesday morning following the final wildcard playoff game the night before. Quick five core principles and disclaimer. WARMUP SSH X 12 IC Frankensteins X 12 IC Baby Arm Circles Forward X...