King of the Prison Yard, Without the Prison Part

King of the Prison Yard, Without the Prison Part

Nice and cool this AM for a beatdown at #TheRanch. 8 #HIM posted to have some fun in the rain. YHC on Q. It was time to test out some new pain delivery today with the Prison Burps (see below for explanation). Flag was planted, and disclaimer was given. Men of F3Lutz...
DORA B.L.I.M.P.S in the Moonlight at #TheRanch

DORA B.L.I.M.P.S in the Moonlight at #TheRanch

Strong 8 PAX outing this AM at #TheRanch. #HIM getting some work done with another awesome cool breezy morning. Temps in the 70’s. The men of F3Lutz had a visitor from the F3 Orlando AO. Survivor joined us today for some DORA B.L.I.M.P.S in the moonlight....
Weekend Edition of Pain Delivery Successful at #TheRanch

Turtle Up at the Lake of Pain

Great day for a weekend edition beatdown. YHC on Q, making sure the PAX feels the workout through the Labor Day weekend. Excellent weather conditions for some running with LB3’s and BB3 today. YHC got the 2x20lb bags and the 1x40lb bag to spread the coupon love...
King of the Prison Yard, Without the Prison Part

No-See-Um ‘Toes’ The Line

YHC is back from his 12 day hiatus from #TheRanch and despite a chunk of his right big toe badly bruised and cut……..he managed to Q this morning. Kids always stubb their toes when running around in the summer time barefoot, but “usually” adults are able to avoid this...