Yes, its far. I know.

What a beautiful day for a good ‘ole F3 Nature Coast block beatdown, and then some TNT! YHC loves Thursdays! YHC showed up early to scout out the AO for some good landmarks to use for the pain! The men of F3 Nature Coast reviewed the 5 F3 core principals and...
Can I get a WOOOO!?

Can I get a WOOOO!?

Blessed morning ITG at The Ranch. Good ole smoke fest followed by some TNT. What more could we ask for? Nothing. Started out with some Nature Boy Woo’ing to get the morning started, confirmed later by @baywatch that its his 72nd Birthday! Warmup: Tempo Squat...

I dropped my weinke

Blessed day to be ITG with the F3Lutz crew. Nice cool gloomy morning here on the Natural Coast. All PAX on time, flag planted, and HIM ready to work. Also, exciting day for this crew as we started our new 3rd F initiative, TNT (Truth Nugget Thursdays) with Coffeteria...

Exciting new beginnings

Beautiful day to kickoff our new Saturday morning AO at Bexley! The men of F3 Lutz were bright-eyed and bushy tailed to see what their new Saturday location at Bexley had to offer. @haka and @no-see-um on Q to break it in just right. With a record high of 19 and 2...
Can I get a WOOOO!?

BJHSP Dammit!

What more could we ask for today? Mild FL temps, all time high PAX attendance, and nothing but positive HIM ready to crush it! Warm-o-rama: Windmill Sumo Squat Peter Parkers Annies – something different, kinda weird but beats the arm circles IMO Hand Release...