Burn Before The Bird

Burn Before The Bird

QIC: Apnea PAX: Belding, Dillio, Grouper, Hitchhiker, Noodle YHC was 👀 for inspiration to plan a good beatdown to get us ready for Thanksgiving and ended up finding a workout called #BurnBeforeTheBird and added a few modifications. Quick disclaimer and we were off on...
YogiBear Crawls

YogiBear Crawls

YHC woke up stiff…the desire to break the normal while still bringing the pain gave reason to leave the fartsack. 4 PAX decided to leave the Fartsack and enjoy a 55 degree Boneyard beatdown Warmup: 20 SSH (IC) 15 Windmill (IC) 15 Imperial Walkers (IC) 20...
Bear of a Ladder

Bear of a Ladder

Tremendous weather warm-up (25-degree swing) from the last beat down made for perfect Gloom conditions for the VQ of Belding.  Relatively small PAX posted for a Saturday beatdown and a great time was had by all, except for No-Ski’s bruised hands at the end. Work out...