Back To Route 66

Back To Route 66

QIC: Apnea PAX: Belding, Big Papi, Chowdah, Dillio, Flat Tire, Hitchhiker, Hooker, Petey, Rub N’ Tug, Seltzer, Vanellope Full Disclaimer and the F3 core principles were delivered 12 PAX total in attendance on a slightly cooler morning but still humid. Quick warm-up at...
Back To Route 66

Best Beatdown Ever

QIC: Grouper PAX: Apnea, Dillio, Hooker, Vanellope, Grouper 5 PAX at The Ranch on what appeared to be a lonely Tuesday morning between our two AOs. Fartsackers or just needing recovery from that IPC yesterday? Those who slayed the dragon (not @Flat Tire) were ready to...
Boneyard IPC Week #2 aka THE “BELLE” RINGER

Boneyard IPC Week #2 aka THE “BELLE” RINGER

YHC stepped into the gloom for a fellow PAX who was unable to Q, luckily no creativity was needed because we set out to tackle IPC week #2 (aka The “Belle” Ringer). YHC thought he’d be hitting the IPC by himself but in the nick of time C.Z. and...

IronPax Week 2 -Monday

THE “BELLE” RINGER Format: AMRAP for 45 minutes Set-Up: Make a star like picture below with each point of the star being  Just go back and forth, same thing, 25 yards away from the center. THE WORKOUT Starting at the center cone (cone 1): 5 ManMakers in the middle....

Iron PAX week 1

Saturday am comes by quicker than we want it. No rain coming down but plenty of it still on the fields will make this a Week 1 to forget. Iron Pax week 1 field set and fire ant hills averted for the most part. Met the PAX with 3 minutes to spare. Disclaimer given and...