Wednesday Workout By Water Boy!

Wednesday Workout By Water Boy!

A fantastic Wednesday hump day beat down at the District. The weather was a cool 50 degrees, Hooker was late and of course Apnea was operating on his time zone. After the warm up short debated on getting moist in the grass or moving it the tennis courts. HIM decided...
The Arranged Marriage

The Arranged Marriage

Quotes of the Day:  (Normally YHC only provides one but the mumble chatter was hot today…) “What about Bangkok burpees I can feel they are coming at some point?”  ~Hitchhiker~ “I can’t believe it went all the way to the back of my throat...

Take 2

It’s been an honor to get out of bed to get to the AO and know that at any given time someone may be coming for the first time like I did a few short years ago, or you when you joined. Loving another glorious morning with 5:30 quickly approaching water boy and I saw...

Boneyard fun around the houses

I’m another glorious day in the gloom. YHC decided to pick up this weeks Q’s because, well why not? with only a few minutes to go we gathered for a proper disclaimer and 5 core principles. With so many different ideas and no repeat customers why not just do the same...

Mondays around the Rosie

With the weather starting to break these cooler mornings have been nothing short of awesome. The gloom has never been more inviting. Got to the District with plenty of time to re asses my workout but through it up in the air and ideas just came. 5:30 hit and with...