Light Pole Work

QIC: Apnea PAX: Hitchhiker, Madoff, Waterboy WARMUP All veterans were present, quick disclaimer was given, and we started with a warmup of. SSH X 10 Frankensteins X 10 IC Tappity Tap Taps X 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 IC Baby Arm Circles Reverse X 10 IC Overhead...
Catch Me If You Can & Pole Work

Catch Me If You Can & Pole Work

All veterans were present, quick disclaimer was given, and we started with a warmup of. SSH X 15 Frankensteins X 10 IC Tappity Tap Taps X 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 IC Baby Arm Circles Reverse X 10 IC Mosey to the main roundabout for an old P90X style exercise....
Dora The Torturer

Dora The Torturer

QIC: Apnea PAX: Romeo Tango, Passion Fruit, Vanellope, Spirit, Cricket, Hitchhiker, Belding Welcome to Romeo Tango joining us for the first time today from Tampa. YHC put together today’s Q on the fly so 5:30 am hit, quick disclaimer, and we were off for a mosey to...

Saved by the Bell

QIC:  Noodle Pax Posted: Noodle, DBA, Vanellope, Waterboy, Hitchhiker, Dillio, Belding, Apnea A beauty morning at the Ranch and a great turnout.  5:30 came with everyone ready and on time. Started with our disclaimers and then we got busy. Mosey to the round about....