by Apnea | Nov 16, 2023 | Back Blasts
QIC: Apnea PAX: Hooker, SchoolZone (Louisville), Waterboy YHC can’t remember the last time he Q’ed at the District but was compelled to take it on after Seltzer’s motivating post on Sunday. As a shocker, YHC arrived at The District with 5 minutes to spare. That will...
by Chowdah | Dec 18, 2022 | Back Blasts
YHC saw Hitchhikers’ message on slack for a 6am beatdown. Q sheet was open and that was that. The feelings of eating like the holidays are 24/7 set in and some mosey was on deck. The gloom has a temp somewhere in the 50s, and brought 6 PAX. The Warm up: SSH 20...
by Chowdah | May 22, 2021 | Back Blasts
This bright and windy Saturday at the Boneyard brought HIM to challenge themselves and lift each other up. YHC thought the 1000 rep Saturday from DBA the previous week was a challenge and decide to change it up! Bring a fresh beatdown idea to the table. QIC: Chowdah...
by spongebob | Jun 19, 2018 | Back Blasts
Welcome two out of towners, Flo rida, Sugar. And an FNG, Chase aka Baiter Disclaimer and begin with double digit midget… Windmills IC x16 SSHs IC x16 Emom. High knees x30 sec. Push ups x20sec. 10 sec. rest and repeat x2 Mosey Bear squares, start at base of...