Archway Tunnel Vision

Archway Tunnel Vision

3 HIM for an overcast yet pleasant morning for a Tour de Boneyard… WARMS-UPS: SSH x 15 Tie-Fighters x 10 each side Squats x 15 Heels to Heaven in cadence x 10 The tour begins with a Mosey around the block with a Christmas twist. Each time we encountered...
The Forgotten Q

The Forgotten Q

FNG – Saul WATERBOY Smokey Saint Hitchhiker Grouper DBA Cricket Baywatch Apnea 10 PAX on a beautiful Tuesday morning in the mid 60s! Quick disclaimer, F3 five core principles and straight to work. Mosey to round about toward Sunlake. SSH IC x15 Frankenstein IC x...
F3 Christmas Beatdown Formality

F3 Christmas Beatdown Formality

The gloom was relatively cool with an early morning pre-beatdown ruck for YHC and Hitchhiker. (alongside Tebow training, who we saw running right about at the end of our ruck) Hitchhiker was the intended Q but life would see him get called to take care of his 2.0 and...
The Forgotten Q

Monday Madness come in Twos

YHC didn’t get to mock up a given beatdown beforehand, so pulling up do the AO my mind started to mosey to figure out what to do and where we were going. The warm up: 10 SSH (IC) 10 Frankensteins (IC) Mosey to the work out  equipment near street 10 Windmills...

Them BLIMP’ing MB’s

Alright, Alright, Alright!!! YHC back in town and couldn’t pass up an opportunity to Q at The District. Also, been putting the hard EH on an FNG who recently moved to Tarpon Springs…..finally said “Hey buddy, I’m coming to Tampa and I’m...