Do You Like Pi?

Do You Like Pi?

QIC: Apnea PAX: Chowdah, DBA, Grouper, IKEA, Haka, Airstream, Smoggy WARMUP All veterans were present, quick disclaimer was given, and we started with a warmup of. SSH X 10 Frankensteins X 10 IC Tempo Squats X 10 IC Windmills X 12 IC Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 IC...
Gorilla Marketing: Boneyard Addition

Gorilla Marketing: Boneyard Addition

“The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”, YHC woke up in the mood to do some gorilla marketing (shout out to a PAX on the nation page for the idea) Box of chalk in hand, YHC walked...

Backstreet Burpees at the District

4 pax gathered in the gloom at the District.  YHC’s brain doesn’t always work at full capacity this early, so the patience and help from the other pax is always much appreciated.  We had an aborted attempt at hillbillies which more closely resembled...

Murder Bunnies, Burpees and Mosquitoes

Beautiful Saturday morning, 15 PAX gathered to celebrate YHC’s 17,521st day under the sun. YHC made sure to bring some pain and melt some of the cakes and beers from Airstream’s birthday celebration. Block alert  was there for the beatdown. Exercise...


Yesterday was a missed Q, YHC need to step it up and put on multiple alarms to make sure the fartsack would take it’s comfortable grubby hands off me. The temp was cooler than expected but was a perfect temp to bring out 6 HIM to the gloom. Disclaimers given,...
Paddy G Weekend

Paddy G Weekend

Quote of the Day:  “Is that because it is soft and creamy…or thick and chunky?”  ~Chowdah~ 6 PAX arrived ready to test their knowledge with some Irish trivia on this very festive weekend thanks in part to a one St. Patrick!  Burpee penalties would be...