

Quote of the Day:  “Look at all the UPS guys they must all work out together before work.”  ~Random Passerby~ Tricks or treats?  YHC found out the night before at 1700hrs that someone put his name on the Q sheet…possibly because he has been the Q the...
11-23 Boneyard

11-23 Boneyard

YHC was racking the brain last night thinking of how to lead PAX in the beatdown. Occam’s razor brought me to using the date itself, the gloom brought 5 PAX our for a cool 68ish degrees mosey beatdown. (Apnea found us as we were finishing up) Warm Up: 10 SSH...

Elevated maths

As the gloom crept into view YHC couldn’t shake the idea of working out physically and mentally. As I traveled to the new AO to lead PAX I decided to add some fun maths to the beatdown and test those HIM who joined me in the gloom. 3 PAX (including 1 visiting...
11-23 Boneyard

Getting your kicks at Bexley 66

YHC was looking at slack prior to checking out for the night and saw Seltzer looking for another PAX to step up and lead. Seeing there wasn’t any takers at the time, the decision was made to step up. ITG 9 other PAX came to the boneyard looking for a good...
Focusing on Time

Focusing on Time

YHC put out the call for blocks and/or rucks to be brought. After missing the Q last Saturday, time was of the essence. ITG we set out to improve ourselves and hold each other accountable for the betterment of self and community. 16 PAX heard the call and showed up at...