Grid Of Pain

After the Q set empty for some time, YHC and Chowdah both offered to lead at The District, but on different forms. After discovering we both had signed up, Chowdah graciously allowed me to Q so that all my work writing up a whiteboard would not go to waste. With that...

Diamond In The Rough

Chilly morning with a nice gloom over the Boneyard to start the BD.  Prompt start at 5:30 a.m. with warmups: SSH x 15 Sprinklers x 10 Tie Fighters x 10, each side To make sure all PAX were sufficiently warmed up, a Thunderstruck with burpees commenced. The chilly...

Baywatch’s Birthday Block Beatdown

Clear & 48 degrees at The Ranch this morning.  YHC decided there was no better way to celebrate his 52nd birthday than to wake up at O-dark-thirty in preparation for a block birthday beatdown. Quick review of the F3 mission: “Our mission is to plant, grow...

Monday morning Freeze fest

In the cold and dreary gloom this am 9 eager and excited PAX ready to start the week off right at the District. YHC was honored to throw down an IPC inspired beatdown in sub 50 degree weather. Layered up and ready to roll as 5:30 hit with a quick disclaimer and 5 core...
Chad1000x Boneyard BD

Chad1000x Boneyard BD

A foggy November morning brought 13 PAX out of the fartsack and into the gloom for a humid Saturday BD. This beatdown held a greater purpose, we set out for the Chad1000X Challenge (with some slight modifications) in honor/remembrance of soldiers who have committed...