Return to the Hill of Hell

Return to the Hill of Hell

QIC: Grouper PAX: Hitchhiker Urkel Cricket Haka Cheesehead Belding Bandit Apnea Baywatch DBA Dillio Grouper Perfect 66 degree morning and after a quick disclaimer and the 5 core principles, 12 PAX went straight to work!!! Mosey to round about SSH IC x 15 Frankenstein...

Working the street

61 degrees in the gloom this morning at the District, just perfect for not having that extra layer on. When you’re hustling the street, Hooker can’t have too much on or it works against you. Started on time at 5:30 with a quick disclaimer and 5 core...

let there be light

Beautiful chilly morning in the gloom at the boneyard! 7 HIM decided to slay the dragon and come out for a real beatdown. Who knows what those silly ranchers were doing. I swear @cheesehead is always in a good mood. How the hell does he do that?! Warm-o-rama I will...
Return to the Hill of Hell

As Advertised

QIC: Apnea PAX: Bandit, Baywatch, Cricket, DBA, Dillio, Eleanor, Grouper, Hitchhiker, Petey, Pritchard, Smokey YHC had advertised the night before for anyone attending The Ranch to bring their mosey shoes. Quick disclaimer, then into plank while reciting the five core...

Monday Morning Mosey with Miley

Brisk Monday at The District. YHC challenged his fellow PAX the night before to get out and start their week off right, and get our numbers up in the double digits. We almost made it with 9 PAX posting! What an improvement from the sub 5 PAX posting just a few weeks...