Sleeping In The Parking Lot

Sleeping In The Parking Lot

QIC: Apnea PAX: DBA, Dillio, Hitchhiker, Passion Fruit, Petey, Waterboy In order to avoid a repeat from last week where I overslept and missed the Q I signed up for, YHC slept in his car in the parking lot last night (just kidding). YHC made a slight adjustment to...

The Burpee Life: Up, Down, and Around

Eight HIM out on a thankfully dry, delightfully breezy Monday morning. Day 13 of the burpee challenge on deck. Warmup: 5 OYO inch worm shoulder taps. 10 reps IC: 1.25 squats Seal clap crunches Plank leg tap-outs Ball claps (thanks Chowdah!) Frakensteins Four burpees...

5 Minute “Breaks”

YHC knows the 4 x 4 x 48 CSAUP event is coming up at end of March and will require some good mosey endurance, so that was on the menu for this morning’s workout. Four other HIM were up early on Saturday before family obligations kicked in to get in the work. I...

Sharks and Minnows

7 Mosey-lovin PAX rolled themselves out of bed when they heard the news that Tebow was Q’ing for the first time in forever. Right at 7:30 Q led a warmup lap around the Boneyard, followed by some stretching and a dynamic warmup (Scoops, Dyno-walks, Walking...