Speed Zone

YHC felt a little nervous about giving the Q this morning not sure why but maybe just lots on the mind and not being totally experience with Qing.  YHC was out early setting up for the Q but one early bird PAX would catch YHC in the act. With 5 minutes to go YHC was...

Thursday is Chest Day

Apnea, Baywatch, Belding, Big Papi, Boobie, Cheesehead, Chowdah, DBA, Flat Tire, Grouper, Haka, Hitchhiker, No-See-Um, Ol’Faithful, Saint, Smoggy, Smokey, Urkel, WaterBoy YHC called 5:30 and it was time to start Gave a quick mention of the 3F’s, Fitness,...

BLOCK required for admittance to the PARTY!

YHC hasn’t “Q” in awhile, whom am I kidding I barely Q, not sure why hoping 2021 changes that for me. YHC didn’t get much sleep as he was a bit stressed or nervous about the Q. YHC informed the PAX to bring your BLOCK the night before to the...

Stack em up!!

Q gave fair warming on Slack about today’s beatdown….but they still posted… AYE!! Q hasn’t really done much Qing but with @Haka in his ear he finally cracked and said to em…. I will bring the PAIN. Welcome back ShortCircuit… -Warm...
Little Back and Biceps..for everyone

Little Back and Biceps..for everyone

11 PAX posted on this gloomy morning for YHC VQ. A few of the PAX have been EH YHC to Q. Well that time has come on this glorious morning. YHC was a bit nervous but came up with a plan for torture that the PAX isn’t used to seeing as YHC GUARANTEED #NOMOSEY. YHC...